Booting the kernel

1. Preparing a virtual machine

1.0. Getting dependencies

Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives
  • sudo apt -y install git git-email fakeroot build-essential ncurses-dev xz-utils libssl-dev bc flex libelf-dev bison qemu-system debootstrap
Fedora and derivatives
  • sudo dnf install -y elfutils-libelf-devel openssl-devel openssl-libs git-all make flex bison binutils qemu debootstrap ncurses ncurses-devel
Arch Linux and derivatives
  • sudo pacman -S --needed base base-devel git util-linux binutils bc qemu-full debootstrap ncurses

For a more complete and updated list of requirements for building the kernel, visit the Minimal requirements to compile the kernel page.

1.1. Creating a Linux image for testing

Here we are going to create a separate space on our machine that will be our environment for testing the kernel. Use the truncate command to create a sparse file (a file that allocates space as needed) to be our disk.

truncate -s 4G my_disk.raw

Now we have to format our disk so it behaves as a single partition. We create an ext4 file system on our disk partition. This action will make this file contain a new file system as its data. It'll be ready to contain files and folders.

mkfs.ext4 my_disk.raw

At this moment we've successfully created a file that represents a partition, so we are going to mount it. For this step we suggest the creation of a directory to be the mounting point.

mkdir mnt_partition
sudo mount my_disk.raw mnt_partition

1.2. Installing Debian on partition

Normally Debian is used for testing the kernel, so that will be the distro we will be using on our VM for testing our kernel. We will use a tool called debootstrap to create a Debian root filesystem (rootfs) within my_disk.raw:

sudo debootstrap stable mnt_partition

1.2.1. Inside the new system

At this point we have a fully functional Debian filesystem, with all the programs you would normally find in a Debian install (try looking inside the mnt_partition folder). We can "enter" this Debian filesystem by doing something called a chroot (change root). You will need sudo permissions to run this command.

sudo chroot mnt_partition /bin/bash

Now you're 'kind of' inside your debian install. You can verify the files and folders installed in this new disk with ls and pwd.

It is convenient to set the root password beforehand (so that you can login as root later when you boot into your VM for testing the kernel:


You can exit the chroot environment.

To exit the chroot environment

Type Ctrl+d (or run exit command).

After exiting the chroot, you can unmount it:

sudo umount mnt_partition

2. Building and booting the kernel

2.0. Getting the Linux source tree

First of all we will clone the Linux kernel repository. This can take some time because the kernel project is huge. If you want this process to be faster, you can use the --depth=1 flag, which will fetch only the latest commit from upstream. But remember that in order to make contributions, you will need to fetch the entire tree.

git clone --depth=1 git://
  • If you have enough time and a fast internet connection, you can go ahead and pull the entire tree: git clone git://
  • If you already have the (whole) tree cloned you can pull only the latest commits: git fetch && git pull

2.1. Compiling your kernel

First, move into your freshly cloned kernel tree:

cd linux

2.1.1. Setting up the kernel config

When compiling your kernel, you can choose exactly which features the kernel will have support for; this is done through the kernel config file (.config at the root of the kernel source tree). We will talk about kernel configs in a lot more depth during the device drivers workshop. For now, we will build the kernel with the default config target: defconfig.

More about config targets
  • If you run make help | grep config, you will see that there are several config targets, each generating a .config meant for different purposes
  • defconfig is the "default" one ("default" meaning it is relatively lightweight and is able to boot in most environments with minimal/no tweaking)
make defconfig

You can take a cursory glance at the options enabled in your newly generated .config file (at the root of the source tree).

2.1.2. Building the kernel

Now we can finally build the kernel itself. The kernel is a very big project, so it takes quite a bit of time/CPU to compile. In order to squeeze the maximum amount of juice from our CPU, we can compile the kernel in parallel by passing the -jN flag to make:

make -j$(nproc)
What is nproc?
  • nproc is a command that returns the number of threads on your processor, so we're compiling the kernel in parallel using all threads available on the CPU for maximum efficiency.

2.2 Boot into your VM using QEMU

After the build finishes, you will find your very own customized, homegrown, and source-compiled kernel image in ./linux/arch/x86/boot/bzImage. Using qemu, we will spin up a virtual machine running our custom kernel on top of the Debian rootfs we created earlier.

First, check if your machine supports hardware acceleration for virtualization:

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -E "(vmx|svm)"

Then, check if your kernel has KVM support enabled:

ls /dev/kvm


If either of the two steps above failed, that means your machine doesn't have virtualization support enabled, and you won't be able to use KVM for your VMs. There is usually a "Virtualization Support" option somewhere in your BIOS/UEFI firmware that needs to be enabled.

If you can't get it to work at all, remove the --enable-kvm option from the qemu command below. Virtualization will be a lot slower, though.

Finally, launch a VM to test your freshly built kernel with:

qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -drive file=../my_disk.raw,format=raw,index=0,media=disk \
    -m 4G \
    -nographic \
    -kernel ./arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage \
    -append "root=/dev/sda rw console=ttyS0 loglevel=6" \
What do all these arguments/flags mean?
  • -drive file=../my_disk.raw,format=raw,index=0,media=disk: specify that the my_disk.raw file should be provided as the first hard disk in the emulated system.
  • -m 4G: amount of RAM we are going to loan to the virtual machine.
  • -nographic: QEMU will run on the terminal instead of a graphical window.
  • -kernel ./arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage: define the file where your compressed kernel image is. You can also use the kernel installed on your machine, it should be somewhere in /boot
  • -smp 1: how many virtual CPUs QEMU will use.
  • -append "root=/dev/sda rw console=ttyS0 loglevel=5": kernel command line parameters:
    • root defines which disk/partition has the root file system. In our case, it will be the first storage device, the hard disk my_disk.raw ;
    • rw means we will be able to read and write to disk;
    • console is to set the standard output of the kernel and of the PID 1;
    • loglevel is to set how much log the kernel will output to the console and 7 is the highest and it will display all the kernel messages in the console prompt;
  • --enable-kvm: this is to enable hardware acceleration for virtualization (using KVM).

Congratulations!! You've successfully built and booted your first kernel!

To enter the machine just type: root as you user. And type you recently set password.

Check the version of the kernel on your VM:

uname -r

To quit the virtualized environment

Type Ctrl+a followed by x (or run shutdown now command).

My terminal started behaving weirdly inside the VM/after exiting the VM!
  • This can happen sometimes since QEMU uses your stdout as a serial device for the kernel console. Fix it by running the reset command.

3. (extra) Playing with kernel

Now that you have already built and booted the kernel, we are going to navigate and play with it.

To read the messages displayed by kernel, we use the dmesg command.

3.1. You can have a custom name to your kernel

Here we are going to explore another config option of the Makefile. The make menuconfig will provide an interactive menu to chose which modules to compile.

It also give you the option to name your configured kernel. This is what we are going to do in this tutorial.

  • Select General Setup

Select General Setup

  • Select Local Version

Select Local Version

  • Write down your kernel version suffix

Write a kernel suffix

  • Check your suffix on local version. Save and exit

Check suffix for local version

  • Save your configuration on your .config

Save you configuration on .config

Now, for testing the changes go ahead: build and boot again your kernel.

3.2. Hello world

Let's make a hello world in kernel version.

We are going to add a message in the kernel's main initialization file: linux/init/main.c

For this activity, we will make sure to add the change to one of the last steps of the initialization. In the kernel_init function, add a pr_info (print information) to print out a log message. Add this right after rcu_end_inkernel_boot(); line, as follows:


// Add this line for print in kernel
pr_info("########################## I can hack the kernel ##########################\n");

Now, for testing the changes go ahead: build and boot your kernel.

To more information of the Linux kernel initialization processes.

Other print options
  • pr_emerg: print an emergency-level message
  • pr_alert: print an alert-level message
  • pr_crit: print a critical-level message
  • pr_err: print an error-level message
  • pr_warn: print an warning-level message
  • pr_notice: print an notice-level message
  • pr_info: print an information-level message
  • pr_devel and pr_debug : print a debug-level message conditionally

More about message logging on the documentation.

3.3. Let's crash the kernel

We can have a little more fun and crash the kernel. If you have been very adventurous with your kernel, you may have already seen the message:

    ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: ** BLUB HERE ** ]---

This means something triggered the panic function of the kernel. We can call it to see it happened.


Be careful with this command! It will crash the kernel! Never boot a crashed kernel on your working machine.

To crash the kernel, we will look at the kernel entry point, the function start_kernel in the linux/init/main.c file. You can test different places on code to add the panic. Here, we are going to add it right before the definitions, after locking_selftest(); line.


// Add this line for crash the kernel

Now, for testing the changes go ahead: build and boot again... oopsie KERNEL PANIC


Remember to remove this line after testing to recover a functional kernel.